Tuesday, July 21, 2009

This is the cutest stuff. It is decorative packing tape. When I first saw it and heard about it I thought"what am I going to do with it"? I have used it to decorate envelopes and am going to use it to decorate packages. I even used it to seal up my Gap return (even though they didnt deserve it! :) They have all sorts of fun patterns to choose from. www.Tapeswell.com

Friday, July 10, 2009

YOWSA! 28 weeks!!!!!

Ok so some of you were wanting a belly shot so here it is....... If you have a weak stomache or just ate lunch then turn your head away! hehe

I cant beleive how fast this pregnancy is going. It is scary and exciting at the same time. I have a lot going on this next month or so, so it will go especially fast. We are heading to our new home the end of this month! I cant believe that either. Who would have ever thought we would be Utahns! Not me-----ever. We are excited and oh so very sad at the same time. We are leaving great friends and a great town behind and are totally bummed.

Hopefully we will fit right in and the kids will feel at home. That is the most important thing. Well I am off to Bowens All-star game. They are in a playoff with a team that we played last night. The game went on over 3 hours!!!!

Just wanted to check in and let you know that I am still around, just super busy. take care!
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Here is another fun item that I was able to try out and lets just say I have used it a TON!!! I love this necklace. Just ignore the flabby, wrinkly, and freckled neck and check out this adorable necklace. I seriously love it and it goes perfectly with everything. I checked out some of the other creations from La Plume and there are some really cool peices. Necklaces, earrings etc....

Here is the website if you are interested

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