Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Moose is on the Loose!!

Hes here!!!!!! Greyson Parker Smith made his debut on Saturday the 26th. He was 9 lbs 1oz , 21 in!!! Big boy. I never dreamed he was going to be that big. I only gained 14 pounds and since he was 9 pounds I am already at my pre birth weight. Hehe. That wont last long. My slow, nasty non exercising metabolism usually kicks in and the weight will be creeping back up soon.

He is a cutie. I will take some better pics soon. My battery on my camera was dead at the hospital Grrrrrrrr, so no cute baby pics there. I will have to make up for it here at home.

This was by far the greatest birth ever!!!!! I could do this again, if i was guaranteed the same delivery! hahaha. I can just hear the groans and eye rolling at the thought of me popping out number 8! Mark my words! No more, Done! Finite! The baby factory is closed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As far as the birth story goes, I will summarize it and hope that you wont fall asleep at my sucky story telling abilities.

Saturday, Chris and Dallin went golfing. I was a little preterbed, well ok, alot at this thought, but it was nothing a little Sonic beverage couldnt handle. I was laying on the couch watching Pee Wee with the kids when Chris and Dallin walked in at around 4 pm. Just then I felt a goosh. I thought I was peeing my pants at first but when I got up, I quickly realized that it was my water breaking. Fabulous feeling by the way! NOT! This being my 7th, I didnt want to traumatize the kids with a home birth, so we headed to the hospital. When I got there I was only dialated to 3. They were nervous at how fast I may go so they did my I.V, then my Epidural and I was livin large and painfree. I was dialating slowly so they gave me some Pitocin ( didnt care because I was doped up) and I was starting to make progress and Bam! before you know it I was ready to push. 2 little pushes later and no episiotomy or tear and the Moose baby was out! All in all I was in "labor" for about 6 hours. Awesome!

Here are some pics for now. I know it is in the same collage format. I am sorry for that. When I use Picassa it wont let me upload more then 4 pics at a time. heaven forbid I have 6! I even managed to get the last and one of few pregnant pics of me. Chris took it Friday night, Good thing, or I wouldnt have had any!

I am off to catch up on some blog reading, while I have a few minutes! Hope you all are well!!
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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

So I finally got on to the computer! I made the mistake of downloading a couple of computer games to keep my bored kids from killing each other and now i can never get on the computer until late at night! Goood thing I am a night owl!

Here are a few pics of my house. I promised some of you a gander so I just did a few of my favorite pics. These were taken before we moved in and some of the rooms actually have furniture in them I know, shocking. We actually splurged and bought a few new pieces of furniture. this house is a bit bigger then our Calif. house so we needed to fill in some of the spaces. Not all, but a few. Gotta still have a "wrestle room" for all these boys!

So far things are good. Our ward is really nice. We have been here a little over a month so far and people are still bringing us goodies! So nice.

We have actually had some visitors too. My mom and dad came to help move us in, then a couple weeks later my mom and sister came and so did some of my cousins from Idaho for a fun girls weekend. Goodtimes. Last week my old babysitter/freind Ali came with her cute family for a quick visit. Tell me how old that made me feel? here I am popping out another kid and now the kids she use to babysit can actually babysit for her. Did i get that out to where it made sense? Probably not. Oh and of course, the Fishers were actually our first visitors. They came the day after we moved in. So, if you get the hint, we love visitors!!!

So I am on the downhill slide of the pregnancy. Freaky. It is just happening so fast. part of me is ready to kick the kid out. I am tired of feeling like an old cow with huge boobs (not the attractive perky ones either!) They headed south a LONG time ago. Contractions, blah blah you get the picture, but then I am so not ready for a crying baby, as sweet as they are. I am also really nervous for the pain. You would think that i could just go out to the pasture and pop the kid out in 5 seconds, but I know that it hurts like hell and that Epidural better be ready and waiting for me as soon as I get to the hospital!! :)

Well that is about it here. I will try to keep up with this more frequently. Not that I have much action to write about, but it is still a nice way to journal for me. Hope you all have a great night!
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